Who am I and why this blog

Welcome, my name is Piet van der Zanden. I have obtained a PhD at Delft University of Technology in 2009, see The Facilitating University; Positioning Next Generation Education Technology“. Subsequently I had written a small book (in Dutch) about education and its future titled “Learning Mall: Learning is Earning in Tomorrow’s University” (Learning Mall: Laat Onderwijs Geld Verdienen“).

In my daily work I aim at education spaces to facilitate digital teaching, collaborating practices and innovative developments. Since the advent of MOOCs and flipped classrooms a mismatch is growing between the current practising pedagogies based on talking-writing in lecture halls and online practices. At the same time classroom designing disciplines remain idle in adapting modern practices.

Design of multifunctional education spaces is complex and makes use of a multitude of disciplines. Inherently, communication errors between the different parties are only increasing. On this blog I try to collect matter that count when building new or refurbishing education spaces. Enjoy reading.

Cordial greetings, Piet.

Dr.ing. A.H.W. (Piet) van der Zanden PhD
Education Expert AV-IT in Learning Spaces
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands


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